Wayamba University of Sri Lanka possesses high quality research base covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines engaging in research at national and inter-national levels. The University strongly supports research activities of its academics, including postgraduate research degrees.

The Senate Research & Higher Degrees Committee (SRHDC) is responsible to the Senate of WUSL for the development and management of strategic policies in meeting matters concerning Research & higher degrees.

The SRHDC looks for way to raise the profile of academics of the University, better ways of serving its academic community and encouraging them to actively participate in research. In this connection, the University awards research grants to permanent academic staff, annual awards are given for outstanding researchers to appreciate their contribution to the development of the research culture in the University.

The University confers postgraduate degrees by research, which includes M.Phil. and Ph.D., in respective disciplines, to those who successfully complete postgraduate research leading to such degrees under the supervision of senior academics in the Faculties. The SRHDC deliberates on the candidature of postgraduate research students and is responsible for maintaining appropriate academic standards in respect of postgraduate research.

The Chairman of SRHDC

Dr. W.A.S Wijesinghe

B.Sc. (Hons.) (Sri J’pura), M.Phil. (Colombo), Ph.D. (Wesleyan-USA)
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Electronics
Email: susantha@wyb.ac.lk
Mobile: 0718466701
The Secretory of SRHDC

Mrs. D.M.K.G Niroshini

B.Sc. Hons (Peradeniya)
Master of Food Science & Technology, PGIS, (Peradeniya)
Master of Business Administration, (WUSL)

Email: saracademicbranch@wyb.ac.lk
Mobile: 076 644 8930
