The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka invites applications for the Award for Excellence in Teaching from the permanent Academic staff of the WUSL, under the following categories :

  • The Early Career Teaching Excellence Award
  • The Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award

The scheme for the Award for Excellence in Teaching and the application form are available on the University Website (

Each application should contain the following elements;

  1. A completed nomination form
  2. A teaching portfolio with a written statement addressing the award criteria;
  3. Three (3) endorsements
  4. Curriculum Vitae

Additional supporting evidence should also be submitted along with the application as specified by the scheme.  Completed applications with relevant documents should be forwarded on or before 23rd June 2021 by 5.00 p.m. to the Chairman/ADPSEC, Academic Division, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya.  Please follow the University letter delivery method.  Late submissions will not be entertained.  The name of the award should be indicated on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.

An electronic copy of the portfolio (PDF & MS Word or equivalent) should also be e-mailed to the Senior Assistant Registrar ( for Verification of the word count on or before 23rd June 2021 by 5 p.m.