Undergraduate students of Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management (FAPM) in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka initiated a new way to empower the fellow undergraduates in English linguistics. It is by forming a “Gavel Club FAPM” and launching series of interactive sessions named “Talk”. Students come and exercise talking while engaging through various fun activities.

Since established in September 2020, the club has conducted several successful sessions and now continuing in the virtual platform via ZOOM. Students testified that this is a mind opener and allowed them to gain lot confident and they feel very relaxed, enjoyable because it is something cool. The students also invite an academic staff member to get reviews on their talks for further self-improvement.

This is very new idea initiated by the undergraduates and “Gavel Club FAPM” invites any student to join hands with them to embrace yourselves to be part of the circle and also Gaveliers in future. Please browse the following link to stay connected with the “Gavel Club FAPM” Facebook page for more updates.

Visit Gavel Club FB page of FAPM