The Career Guidance Unit (CGU) of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka was established in January, 2003 through the initiative of the University grant Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka. The CGU takes the responsibility of understanding current needs of the world of work while proactively understand the emerging trends in the labour market for making students dovetail to any vacuum in the world of work. The CGU functions under the Vice Chancellor of the University and The Career Guidance Advisory Board Chaired by the Vice Chancellor. The activities of all the faculties are coordinated by the Faculty coordinators for CGU

Our Vision

The CGU, WUSL will strive to become the center of most proactively responsive for the future changing demands for employees with cognitive flexibility due to technological and other innovations and their applications in physical and online work platforms at local and global level.

Our Mission

The CGU, WUSL inculcates that the career development of a person as a life-long process while widening the paths for exploring the self for developing clear career goals, promoting avenues for experiential learning, providing assistance in job search and transition to professional life, and Cultivating and maintaining partnerships with employers by organizing wide range of programs which are eventually instrumental to become an organizational citizen with cognitive flexibility and work life balance.

Our Objectives

The CGU has set wide spectrum of objectives;

  • Providing students career counseling
  • Conducting career information service
  • Making students equip with networking
  • Providing work place experiences
  • Helping students to find industrial placements
  • Guide students and improve their career skills by integrating career guidance course units into the curricular

For achieving these objectives, the CGU will create students more opportunities for exposure to the world of work by organizing wide range of career guidance programmes and activities with improved links with industry. Having achieved these objectives, the CGU eventually becomes an integral part of creating highly employable graduates from WUSL who would dovetail into global organization and local organizations in private, public and NGO sectors.  

Message from the Director CGU, WUSL

Welcome to the CGU WUSL, Sri Lanka.

Today, the rapid changes of the world of work demand people beyond the traditional skills. Since the emerging fourth industrial revolution, many of the currently available traditional jobs are likely to be disappeared while created new job opportunities which needs modern skills.

The CGU will proactively foresee the changes and identify the soft skills to be developed among undergraduates and graduates for planning and implementing career guidance programs and activities.

Moreover, CGU will be networking with external organizations, resource persons and other well-wishers while allowing students to harvest the benefits of such relationships.

Therefore, The CGU invites all the undergraduates to go hand in hand with CGU at the very out set of their university lives, firstly, for understanding the importance of getting soft skills and conceptual skills in addition to the technical skills obtained from their degree programmes, secondly, for getting such skills by having practical exposure through the programmes arranged by The CGU.

With the COVID- 19 effect on the university and undergraduates, the CGU has initiated to give its service to the students by using available online platforms as much as possible. As the Director of CGU, I hereby invite outside organizations and resource persons who would like to shoulder a national task of creating more employable graduates equipped with essential soft skills and other positive attributes.


Prof. H. M. A. Herath

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Career Guidance Unit

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,

Lional Jayethilake Mawatha,



 +(94) 37 22 82091


Contact Us - Makandura


Career Guidance Unit

Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,


Gonawila. (NWP)


 +(94) 31 33 14283
